Loose, lax skin is a common cosmetic complaint. Previous non-invasive skin tightening devices had modest efficacy and were associated with pain or downtime. New technologies may allow for effective skin tightening with a series of no downtime, radiofrequency treatments.

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel bipolar radiofrequency device for skin tightening.

15 consecutive female patients were enrolled in the case series; 14 completed the study and were included in the analysis. The device under investigation is a novel, bipolar radiofrequency device allowing for achievement and maintenance of optimal dermal temperatures to stimulate collagen remodeling and skin tightening. Patients underwent a series of 4-6 weekly treatments. Three blinded, experienced cosmetic physicians evaluated paired blinded pre-treatment and post-treatment photographs and determined the associated improvement, if any.

All patients (14/14) were determined to have a clinical improvement, as the pre-treatment and post-treatment photos were correctly identified by the evaluators. 21% (3/14) patients were observed to have significant improvement, 50% (7/14) observed to have moderate improvement, and 29% (4/14) had mild improvement. No pain, side effects or adverse events were observed.

This novel bipolar radiofrequency device represents a safe, effective treatment option for non-invasive skin tightening.